Naturally Revitalized
There is a silent epidemic happening to women (and men) everywhere. Hormonal balance is being destroyed.
Hormones affect everything. Have you ever struggled with acne, oily hair, dandruff, dry skin, cramps, headaches, irritability, exhaustion, constipation, irregular cycles, heavy bleeding, clotting, shedding hair, weight gain, anxiety, insomnia, lowered libido, and felt like your body was just being plain irrational? It’s not; it’s your hormones.

The science is getting clearer and clearer: the food that we eat plays a powerful role in our health and well-being.
Not only does food provide delicious fuel for our body, but it also plays many other key roles throughout the entire body. A vast majority of chronic conditions including obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, autoimmune conditions, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, period pain, infertility, erectile dysfunction, and more, have been strongly linked to poor nutrition, digestion and lifestyle choices. High-quality food, in the right proportion and when digested properly, can improve chronic conditions and sustain your health for a life time. A nutritious diet can provide your body with the energetic revitalization it has been craving.
And ladies… If you think your period is a burden, you are not alone.
If you are wondering about your fertility, and it seems like many women around you are struggling to conceive, it is not all in your head. If you are in your 20s, 30s, 40s, and libido is MIA, you are not along either. If you have ever considered your female body to be messy and unruly, I am about to change your mind about that. I am here to tell you that your body is capable of so much more than pain, exhaustion, blame, and confusion. When you decode your own physiology, you are able to help your body heal and use that body to create the life that you deserve!
Let’s get started!
Hi! My name is Hannah Greig, and I am a Natural Nutrition Clinical Practitioner, Registered Holistic Nutritionist and Recreation Therapist.
I emphasize high-quality, whole foods and phytonutrient diversity to address hormone imbalances. I work with clients to work in harmony with their body’s natural rhythms. Together, we work to minimize the impact of toxins in the environment, diet, and the products that you use. I work with each client to ensure that we are targeting and supporting each area of your endocrine function (blood sugar, adrenals, elimination, or reproduction) that need attention.If you don't take action now, where will you be in six months? A year? Five years? Will you still be struggling with fatigue, mood swings, and weight gain? Or will you have taken the first step towards a healthier, happier you?
I help women to tap into their immensely transformative power of their feminine energy. I would love to connect with you to chat in a 15 minute hormone breakthrough call.

“Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.”
- Hippocrates
Please reach out. I am happy to chat!