Where It All Began
I love food SO MUCH!
Over the years, my love for food has shifted from being solely a deliciously indulgent experience to an appreciation for the power it has as the foundation of living an awesome life. I have always known that specific foods made me feel alive, while others made me feel sluggish and lacking energy. The big shift happened when I brought two beautifully unique children into this world and realized how important it was for them to get the proper nutrition they need for healthy development. These culinary shifts completely transformed the way I felt, both mentally and physically, AND greatly influenced how my children behaved. I now know that complete wellness involves the type and quality of the foods we enjoy: no packages, no labels, just real food.
My Philosophy: Keep It Real.
Real food. Real you. Naturally.
Throughout my life, I have always wanted to help people and care for them. From a very young age, I had dreams of becoming a doctor or midwife. The aging demographic when I was deciding what studies to pursue after high school lead me off on a wonderful path in geriatrics. After completing a degree in Health and Aging at The University of Western Ontario, I studied Recreation Therapy at Canadore College. Next, I was hired as a Recreation Manager at a long-term care home. Life was good and I loved my job, the co-workers I worked with, and the residents I was blessed to interact with daily. While I was providing residents with meaningful, rewarding, activities to do each day, I still felt like I couldn’t do enough to help these people enjoy their golden years. During my second maternity leave, I decided to study Holistic Nutrition through the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition, which led me to explore healing foods and how they contribute to improved health. I wanted to understand what was happening in my body and learn to restore health naturally. Additionally, I wanted to know how I could help people live long and healthy lives, well into their senior years. I learned that our mindset plays a huge role in health and longevity.
I was able to reverse some of my health issues, regain my energy, my glow, and my confidence. I have the energy to take care of my family and enjoy life again!
That is what brings me to you!
Let me help.
Using nutrition, lifestyle, and mindfulness techniques, I guide you through an effective journey to improved health, inner calm and strength. I am most passionate about inspiring you to love your body, get active, and to look and feel fabulous from the inside out.
Let’s get started and discuss your wellness goals!