Period Perfection is Possible
Ladies, I’m here to tell you that the perfect period ISN’T a myth. A healthy, easy period is not just real, it’s likely to be something that you (yes, you!) experience when you understand what your period symptoms are telling you and when you address those symptoms with simple actions and easy strategies.
If you suffer every month with heavy bleeding, cramps, periods that go on forever, horrible PMS symptoms like moodiness and cravings, you might assume that women with an easy period are lucky. That’s what I used to think. I thought I was doomed to suffer each month and was simply one of the unlucky ones.
But I can tell you from personal experience (as well as solid science) that you can shift your periods from horrible to healthy, normal and easy. Until I figured out how to eat and live for my unique cycle my period was a nightmare. Fast forward to today. My period is so seamless that I want to teach other women all over the world how they can get it too!!
Today I’m going to tell you what my period is like NOW, so you know what a healthy, normal period SHOULD be like. There is absolutely no reason you should suffer on your period. It is not necessary, inevitable, fated, or unavoidable that you have cramps, heavy bleeding, clots, long periods, irregular periods, or terrible PMS issues.
I REPEAT!! There is absolutely no reason you should suffer on your period. It is not necessary, inevitable, fated, or unavoidable that you have cramps, heavy bleeding, clots, long periods, irregular periods, or terrible PMS issues.:)
You can have a better period. Actually, you can have a perfect period. Here’s what your cycle should look and feel like:
Your cycle should last 26-32 days – anywhere in between is fine as long as it is regular and consistent for you.
Your bleed should be the color of cranberry juice from start to finish, with no clots. A nice, strong, flow that isn’t inconveniently heavy and has you running to the bathroom every hour. Your period should really start first thing in the morning, without any brown stains leading up to the appearance of that cranberry red. And it should last 4-7 days, not longer or shorter.
You should be able to feel your uterus in action with some slight sensations or warm feelings, but there should not be any kind of pain that might have you reaching for drugs or hot water bottles.
After your period, leading up to ovulation, you should see the development of cervical fluid, which is an indicator of healthy fertility and necessary for getting pregnant. You might see this in your underwear or when you wipe after using the bathroom.
Rather than PMS, you should notice an increase in upbeat, social energy towards the middle of your cycle, and then, in the second half of your cycle, a more focused, determined energy to get things accomplished.
Having your period isn’t synonymous with suffering. I want to shout it from the rooftops: You can have the perfect period! In fact, you can even have a better period by next month, and a period just like mine within 3 months. I’ve seen it happen time and time again with the women I’ve worked with in the Healthy Hormone Mastery. I think every woman deserves the kind of period they can truly brag about.
Are you ready to be able to brag about your period? Or just be pain free each month and stop losing out on 1-2 days each month? OR maybe you just want a consistent period that shows up on schedule. End the anxiety each month that is occurring due to your period. Whatever it may be, book a free call with me here. On this call I can help you get clarity on what is going on, and tell you just what is exactly offered insiide the Healthy Hormone Mastery.
Do not let yourself suffer for the 40 years you have your period. It can be changed, and I can show you how. :)
I can't wait to talk to you. Book your call here.
Yours throughout your cycle,
Hannah Greig