Is Inflammation Hurting Your Hormone Health?

Inflammation is bad news for your hormonal health. If you're chronically inflamed you're going to struggle to get your hormones balanced and on an even kilter. So what contributes to inflammation and how can we reverse inflammation?

Here are some ideas for you...
Gut infections are a source of inflammation. They activate the immune system and cause chronic low-grade inflammation in the GI tract. We work to re-balance the gut with healthy bacteria and soothe any inflammation that might be present.
A long-term low carb diet can starve good bacteria in the gut, contributing to inflammation. I will say this on repeat 100 times per day. Keto is not good for women with hormonal problems, stop doing it now. Women need carbs. We need good healthy slow releasing carbs like brown rice, quinoa, and buckwheat.
Dairy is very inflammatory because it raises insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1). And a lot of people are sensitive to dairy proteins, which causes inflammation. Actually, adults lose the ability to digest dairy leading to further problems in the gut. Ditch the dairy.
Vegetable oils such as those used in processed foods or at restaurants are pro-inflammatory. Instead choose oils like extra virgin olive oil, ghee, coconut oil or butter. Coconut oil has the highest smoke point which means it takes the longest to start producing free-radicals at high temperatures. And while we are on the topic of coconut oil…Coconut oil is hormone balancing, weight loss promoting, thyroid supportive, AND gut healing. It is my fav oil to use in cooking, in smoothies, in baking, and my kids and my dog often just eat it by the spoonful (I do not suggest doing this).
Toxins from food, environment, and tap water contribute to inflammation. Do everything you can to reduce your toxic exposure such as choose organic food, filter your water, and ensure you're doing daily detoxes.
Intense or excessive exercise. This is highly inflammatory for the body when done regularly. Less than 30 minutes. Exercise is exercise. Keep it under 30 minutes.
Being overweight and mold are also inflammatory, as is sugar, gluten, grains for many, alcohol, and processed foods.
Supplementary anti-inflammatory support would be things like curcumin, fish oil, Boswellia, proteolytic enzymes & CBD.
Think inflammation is destroying your hormones? My 10 week program The Healthy Hormone Mastery is for you. In it, we dive deep into inflammation and destroy it!

Let’s chat on how I can help you get rid of inflammation that might be destroying your hormone health.


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